Friday, July 8, 2011

Blissful moment...

So, how do you define blissful? Everbody loves to be happy and contented. For me being blissful is something that makes you feel complete at the very moment. True blissful moment is when you truly and completely enjoy the moment.I'm at bliss right now because I'm blogging and I'm loving this more and more with every passing day. So, here is my list of Blissful Moment:
*Reading my favourite book and sipping hot chai (tea)
*Eating dark chocolate while watching a good movie
*Playing with my nephew
*Listing to songs while doing houshold chores
*Talking to an old friend
*Long walk with my hubby......etc;)

Like I've a long list of my blissful moment I'm sure you'll have one.Tell me what you enjoy the most in your everyday life ,I'll be happy to know..:)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Weekend Came And Now It's Gone

Weekend is something I wait desperately for. It's not only me but everyone does. Let me tell you that I'm not working as for now. So I get to stay whole week at home and everyday is a holiday. It's not that fun as it sounds because I get bored a lot all by myself. So, coming to the point why I wait for weekend is, I get to spend some quality time with my husband. We go out and make the most of it. At least I try my best to make my husband take me out of our house. Yesterday I had super fun. It was because I had been to movie -Delly Belly. I enjoyed the movie thoroughly. The storyline was different and it has the potential to hold you by your seat. All the actors were brilliant. There were many funny situations which you surely tickle you. The movie gives you good music and I enjoyed. I would sugget you to watch this movie because for me it was Paisa Vasool.:). This was the outfit which I wore, Check out my bag and sandals.